Drama Sci-Fi
After his wife Amelia suffers an aneurysm that leaves her bedridden and slowly dying, police officer Carter Summerland searches for a way to revive her. He's approached by Wesley Enterprises pioneering a new program to extend life through robotics, they get caught in a public debate over human’s relationship with technology and her right to exist.
Directed by
Adam Orton
Ed Begley Jr.
Paul Wesley
Debra Wilson
Adah Allen
Kate Vernon
Dr. Ellen Beckett
Eddie Jemison
Max Parker
Chris Ellis
Senator Thaddeus
Kamar de los Reyes
Malcolm Danare
Ben Whitehair
Carter Summerland
Rachelle Carson
Sara Conrad
Rob Merritt
Jesse Henecke
Grant Barker
Enrico Natale
Elaine Ivy Harris
Computer (voice)
Angela Billman
Amelia Summerland
Malorie Mackey
Mershad Torabi
Steve Sirkis

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