Comedy Drama Thriller Romance
The adventures of an upper-class suburban family abruptly confronted with the younger brother's discovery of his homosexuality, the elder sister's suicide attempt and sadomasochist tendencies, and the intrusion of a very free-spirited maid and her husband. And it all started with the arrival in the family of an innocent looking rat.
Directed by
François Ozon
Stéphane Rideau
François Marthouret
The Father
Évelyne Dandry
The Mother
Adrien de Van
Lucía Sánchez
Sébastien Charles
Zucchini Boy
Jean Douchet
Jules-Emmanuel Eyoum Deido
Vincent Vizioz
Red-haired Boy
Kiwani Cojo
Piercing Boy
Gilles Frilay
Mustache Man
Antoine Fischer
Little Boy

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