Drama War
The setting is a Central European kingdom, near the turn of the century. Bored by his very proper wife, the youthful heir to the throne spends his time in amorous dalliances at a sprawling country estate. His wife departs at the arrival of his friends, and they organize a celebration which becomes a wild orgy and culminates in death and tragedy.
Directed by
Miklós Jancsó
Written by
Miklós Jancsó, Giovanna Gagliardo
Laura Betti
Demeter Bitenc
Ilona Staller
Woman in orgy
Teresa Ann Savoy
Gloria Piedimonte
Susanna Javicoli
Franco Branciaroli
Gino Marturano
Lajos Balázsovits
Principe Rudolf
Cesare Barro
Anikó Sáfár
Pamela Villoresi
Zvonimir Črnko
Ivica Pajer
Umberto Silva
Andrija Tunjić
Marino Matota

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