Drama Family
Heidi lives with Alp-Öhi n the Swiss Alps in the summer, where she helps Peter tend the goats. In winter, she stays in the village and attends school. One day, a letter arrives from Heidi's German friend, Klara Sesemann, announcing her visit. Klara indeed appears the next summer along with her grandmother and the prim governess Miss Rottenmeyer. Klara is quickly convinced to stay with Heidi, but Peter becomes resentful that Heidi now spends so little time with him...
Directed by
Franz Schnyder
Theo Lingen
Willy Birgel
Herr Sesemann
Margrit Rainer
Peters Mutter
Heinrich Gretler
Isa Günther
Klara Sesemann
Elsbeth Sigmund
Thomas Klameth
Traute Carlsen
Klaras Grossmutter
Anita Mey
Fräulein Rottenmeyer

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