Romance Comedy Family
Savitri and Satyaprakash are introduced to each other through their families for marriage. Both being poles apart, they decide to understand each other by getting into a live-in relationship.
Directed by
Paresh Mokashi
Written by
Paresh Mokashi, Madhugandha Kulkarni
Sharmishtha Raut
Savi's Sister
Mrinmayee Godbole
Savitri "Savi"
Jyoti Subhash
Lalit Prabhakar
Satyaprakash "Satya"
Bharat Ganeshpure
Deva Brahma (Narrator)
Ruturaj Shinde
Pornima Talwalkar
Savi's Mother
Sunil Abhyankar
Savi's Father
Supriya Pathare
Satya's Mother
Pradeep Joshi
Satya’s Father
Pushkar Lonarkar
Savi's Brother
Arati More

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