Animation Drama Music
Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of the Kitauji High School concert band set their sights on the next upcoming performance. Utilizing their summer break to the utmost, the band participates in a camp where they are instructed by their band advisor Noboru Taki and his friends who make their living as professional musicians. Kumiko Oumae and her friends remain determined to attain gold at the Kansai competition, but trouble arises when a student who once quit the band shows interest in rejoining and sparks unpleasant memories for the second-year members. Kumiko also learns about her teacher's surprising past and the motivation behind his desire to lead the band to victory. Reaching nationals will require hard work, and the adamant conviction in each student's commitment to the band will be put to the test.
Directed by
Taichi Ogawa, Tatsuya Ishihara
Saori Hayami
Haruka Ogasawara (voice)
Atsumi Tanezaki
Mizore Yoroizuka (voice)
Houko Kuwashima
Satomi Niiyama (voice)
Tomoyo Kurosawa
Kumiko Oumae (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Noboru Taki (voice)
Conomi Fujimura
Natsuki Nakagawa (voice)
Ayaka Asai
Hazuki Katou (voice)
Kenjiro Tsuda
Takuya Gotou (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Masahiro Hashimoto (voice)
Haruki Ishiya
Shuuichi Tsukamoto (voice)
Nao Toyama
Nozomi Kasaki (voice)
Chika Anzai
Reina Kousaka (voice)
Moe Toyota
Sapphire 'Midori' Kawashima (voice)
Miyuki Kobori
Riko Nagase (voice)
Minori Chihara
Kaori Nakaseko (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Michie Matsumoto (voice)
Yuri Yamaoka
Yuuko Yoshikawa (voice)
Manami Numakura
Mamiko Oumae (voice)
Minako Kotobuki
Asuka Tanaka (voice)

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