Animation Comedy Adventure Family
The Templeton brothers — Tim and his Boss Baby little bro Ted — have become adults and drifted away from each other. But a new boss baby with a cutting-edge approach and a can-do attitude is about to bring them together again … and inspire a new family business.
Directed by
Tom McGrath
Written by
Michael McCullers
Ariana Greenblatt
Tabitha Templeton (voice)
James Marsden
Tim Templeton (voice)
Jeff Goldblum
Dr. Armstrong (voice)
Raphael Alejandro
Nathan / Lead Baby Ninja (voice)
Alec Baldwin
Theodore Templeton (voice)
Lisa Kudrow
Janice Templeton (voice)
Eva Longoria
Carol Templeton (voice)
Jimmy Kimmel
Ted Templeton (voice)
Reyn Doi
Box Kid (voice)
Amy Sedaris
Tina Templeton (voice)
Tom McGrath
Dr. Tiffany Hamilton (voice)
Walt Dohrn
Baby Bouncer (voice)
David Soren
Jimbo (voice)
Miles Bakshi
Young Tim Voice-Over (voice)
James McGrath
Wizzie (voice)
David P. Smith
Movie Patron (voice)
Serenity Reign Brown
Meghan (voice)
Nicholas Gist
The Triplets (voice)
Nova Reed
Little Bo Peep Baby (voice)
Molly K. Gray
Creepy Girl (voice)
Ashlyn Lundahl
'No' Girl (voice)
April Lawrence
Acorn Center Computer (voice)
Kristin Lowe
Pageant Mom 1 (voice)
Connor Albrecht
Dreidel Kid (voice)

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