Comedy Drama Romance
Fifteen-year-old Charlotte Flax is tired of her wacky mom moving their family to a different town any time she feels it is necessary. When they move to a small Massachusetts town and Mrs. Flax begins dating a shopkeeper, Charlotte and her 9-year-old sister, Kate, hope that they can finally settle down. But when Charlotte's attraction to an older man gets in the way, the family must learn to accept each other for who they truly are.
Directed by
Richard Benjamin
Christina Ricci
Kate Flax
Winona Ryder
Charlotte Flax
Richard Benjamin
Caroline McWilliams
Tom Kemp
Carrie's Husband
Rachel Flax
Bob Hoskins
Lou Landsky
Jan Miner
Mother Superior
Dossy Peabody
Coach Parker
Michael Schoeffling
Joe Porretti
Rex Trailer
Dr. Reynolds
Sandra Shipley
Crying Nun
Denise Cormier
Pretty Girl at Shoe Store
Betsy Townsend
Mary O'Brien
Richard McElvain
Mr. Crain
Paula Plum
Mrs. Crain
William Paul Steele
Boss in Oklahoma
Peter Kovner
Perfect Family Father
Patricia Madden
Perfect Family Mother
Justin Marchisio
Perfect Family Boy
Caitlin Marie Bottomley
Perfect Family Girl
Merle Perkins
Baxter Harris
Boss in Massachusetts
Carol Moss
Boss' Fiancee
Tamasin Scarlet Johnson
Young Nun
Russell Jones
Judge at Swim Meet
Shawna Sullivan
Charlotte 5 Years Old
Bob Rogerson
Charlotte's Dad
Janice Janes
New Year's Partyer
Bill McCann
New Year's Partyer
Dottie Healy
New Year's Partyer
Michelle Faith
Kennedy Mourner
Grace Costa
Kennedy Mourner
John McGee
Kennedy Mourner
Bill McDonald
Kennedy Mourner
Harry Cooper
Kennedy Mourner
M. Lynda Robinson
Kennedy Mourner
Jerry Quinn
Al Hodgkins
Crying Man on Street

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