Drama Romance
The Dashwood sisters, sensible Elinor and passionate Marianne, whose chances at marriage seem doomed by their family's sudden loss of fortune. When Henry Dashwood dies unexpectedly, his estate must pass on by law to his son from his first marriage, John and wife Fanny. But these circumstances leave Mr. Dashwood's current wife, and daughters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret, without a home and with barely enough money to live on. As Elinor and Marianne struggle to find romantic fulfillment in a society obsessed with financial and social status, they must learn to mix sense with sensibility in their dealings with both money and men.
Directed by
Ang Lee
Emma Thompson
Elinor Dashwood
Kate Winslet
Marianne Dashwood
Hugh Laurie
Mr. Palmer
Alan Rickman
Colonel Christopher Brandon
Hugh Grant
Edward Ferrars
Stephen Fry
Imelda Staunton
Charlotte Jennings Palmer
Harriet Walter
Fanny Ferrars Dashwood
Gemma Jones
Mrs. Dashwood
Tom Wilkinson
Mr. Dashwood
Elizabeth Spriggs
Mrs. Jennings
Greg Wise
John Willoughby
James Fleet
John Dashwood
Emilie François
Margaret Dashwood
Imogen Stubbs
Lucy Steele
Robert Hardy
Sir John Middleton
Richard Lumsden
Robert Ferrars
Ian Brimble
Oliver Ford Davies
Doctor Harris
Lone Madsen
Miss Grey
Isabelle Amyes
Alexander John
Allan Mitchell
Josephine Gradwell
Maid to Mrs. Jennings
Eleanor McCready
Mrs. Bunting

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