Drama Comedy Romance
Sissi is now the empress of Austria and attempts to learn etiquette. While she is busy being empress she also has to deal with her difficult new mother-in-law, while the arch-duchess Sophie is trying to tell the emperor how to rule and also Sissi how to be a mother.
Directed by
Ernst Marischka
Romy Schneider
Empress Elisabeth
Karlheinz Böhm
Emperor Franz Joseph
Uta Franz
Princess Helene
Gustav Knuth
Duke Max
Vilma Degischer
Archduchess Sophie
Magda Schneider
Duchess Ludovika
Josef Meinrad
Major Böckl
Walther Reyer
Count Andrassy
Franz Böheim
Johann Petzmacher
Senta Wengraf
Countess Bellegarde
Erich Nikowitz
Archduke Franz Karl
Hans Ziegler
Dr. Seeburger
Helene Lauterböck
Countess Esterhazy
Hilde Wagener
Baronne Wulfen
Willy Fränzl

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