Comedy Drama Romance
The young Bavarian princess Elisabeth, who all call Sissi, goes with her mother and older sister Néné to Austria where Néné will be wed to an emperor named Franz Joseph, Yet unexpectedly Franz runs into Sissi while out fishing and they fall in love.
Directed by
Ernst Marischka
Written by
Ernst Marischka
Romy Schneider
Princess Elisabeth
Karlheinz Böhm
Emperor Franz Joseph
Uta Franz
Princess Helene
Gustav Knuth
Duke Max
Vilma Degischer
Archduchess Sophie
Peter Weck
Archduke Karl Ludwig
Fritz Muliar
Magda Schneider
Duchess Ludovika
Josef Meinrad
Major Böckl
Franz Böheim
Johann Petzmacher
Richard Eybner
Von Ischl
Karl Fochler
Egon von Jordan
Erich Nikowitz
Archduke Franz Karl
Hilde Wagener
Baroness Wulffen
Otto Treßler

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