Action Thriller Romance
A mysterious and highly successful hitwoman in Hong Kong is paid to assassinate top-level crime bosses. After beginning a relationship with a noodle vendor, she decides to travel to South Korea to complete one last job. Unfortunately, the dead man's bodyguard is out for revenge.
Directed by
Patrick Leung Pak-Kin
Written by
Roy Szeto Wai-Cheuk
Deon Cheung
Wu Chien-Lien
Shu Li Han
Sean Lau Ching-Wan
Long Shek
Han Jae-suk
Yuen Bun
Richard Yuen Tak
Jung Hee-tae
Shirley Wong Sa-Lee
Sister Mei
Cheung Chi-Ping
Yeon Joo Kim
Choi Jeong-Il

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