Crime Drama Romance
On the eve of her wedding, Hitomi loses her fiance Tatsuya to a car accident. She travels to Hong Kong seeking solace and meets undercover cop Karbo — a dead ringer for Tatsuya. The duo is forced to take it on the lam when a corrupt colleague frames Karbo, and Hitomi soon finds herself torn between her love for Tatsuya and her blossoming feelings for her fellow fugitive.
Directed by
Daniel Lee
Written by
Sin Ling Yeung, Yumiko Aoyagi, Susan Chan Suk-Yin, Chi-Leung Law
Donnie Yen
Yuka Hoshino
Michelle Yeoh
Leslie Cheung
Tatsuya Misawa / Shek Karbo
Takako Tokiwa
Hitomi Kawamura
Liu Kai-Chi
Officer Tung
Sam Lee
Jack Kao
Lee Heung-Kam
Officer Tung's detective
Rocky Lai Keung-Kun
Taxi Driver
Austin Wai Tin-Chi
Officer Ko (as Tin Chi Wai)

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