Drama Comedy Romance
We have Carina Lau has Selina the lead actress who is a psychoanalyst, who hang out with her friends (Athena Chu has a erotic story for woman, Yoyo Mung has a multi-restaurant owner who like the danger side, and Pinky Cheung whose dad is a triad boss goes retirement and know how to fight). The story begin when Selina ex came to her and ask her to take care of her wild daughter (Cecilia Cheung in another bizarre look) and tried to cure her wild behaviour. Well the rest of the storyline consist of the 4 woman and there relationship with the guys, we have Tony Leung Ka Fai going after Carina Lau, Athena Chu going after Edisen Chen, Pinky Cheung going after Andy Hui, and Lu Yi going after Yoyo Mung.
Directed by
Wong Jing
Written by
Wong Jing
Athena Chu Yun
Philadelphia Kwan
Edison Chen
Cecilia Cheung
Carina Lau
Lu Yi
Yoyo Mung Ka-Wai
Tony Leung Ka-fai
Dick Yan
Kenny Bee
Pinky Cheung
Andy Hui
Hui Shiu-Hung
Frankie Chin Chi-Leung
Wong Tin-Lam
Philip Keung Hiu-Man
Lawrence Lau Sek-Yin
Frank Liu Zong-Ji
Au Hin-Wai

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