Drama Comedy Romance
A recently married scholar goes on a quest for knowledge of other people's wives, based on his philosophical differences with the Sack Monk. He encounters the Flying Thief, who agrees to help him find women, but only if he attains a penis as big as a horse's. The scholar has a surgeon attach said unit, and he's off and running on his mission, only to find that there are obstacles to his new lifestyle, such as jealous husbands and treacherous females.
Directed by
Michael Mak
Written by
Lee Ying-Git
Rena Murakami
Hua Chen
Amy Yip
Yu Xiang / Chou Yin
Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong
Wang Qi / Wong Chut
Kent Cheng Jak-Si
Tian Can Zi / Tin Chan
Isabelle Chow Wang
Rui Zhu / Shui Chu
Lawrence Ng
Wei Yang Sheng / Yan Ching
Lo Lieh
Cat Burglar Sai Kunlun
Carrie Ng
Gu Xian Niang / Mistress Ku
John Cheung Chan-Sang
Tien Feng
Master Iron Gate / Lord Iron Doors
Mari Ayukawa
Wang Qi’s wife
Lo Duen
Sack monk
Chun Kwai-Bo
Brothel servant
Frank Liu Zong-Ji
Ryoko Shinmura
Nosy neighbour
Au Wai-Yee
Tang Yat-Lung
Lee Ying-Git

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