Drama Romance Comedy
Jimmy Tong is an expert blackmailer and thief who specialises in white-collar crimes. With his side-kick, Jimmy steals a personal diary belonging to a Yakuza leader Ken Sato intending to use its details as a platform for blackmailing and to extort money. Sato agreed to the uneasy deal and made preparations to pay Jimmy his exorbitant demands only for Sato's girlfriend Jenny to betray him and make off with the money to Okinawa.
Directed by
Gordon Chan
Written by
Gordon Chan, Chan Hing-Kai
Charles Heung Wah-Keung
Leslie Cheung
Jimmy Tong
Masaya Kato
Ken Sato
Gigi Lai
Tony Leung Ka-fai
Law Wan Dat
Asuka Higuchi
Bar / Cafe Owner
Vincent Kok
Kuk Bo
Faye Wong
Stephanie Che Yuen-Yuen

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