History Drama
Based on the life of the Korean anarchist Park Yeol, the film shows his struggle to counter the massacre of Koreans by the government during the 1923 great Kanto earthquake, focusing on his activities as the leader of the anti-Japanese organization Bulryeongsa and his relationship with Japanese comrade Fumiko Kaneko.
Directed by
Lee Joon-ik
Lee Je-hoon
Park Yeol
Kwon Yul
Lee Seok
Darcy Paquet
Foreign Reporter
Kim Jun-han
Wi Ha-jun
Young Korean Prisoner
Min Jin-woong
Hong Jin-yoo
Choi Hee-seo
Fumiko Kaneko
Lee Jung-hyun
Vigilante Corps
Do Yong-gu
Kurahei Yuasa
Lee Young-suk
Baek Soo-jang
Choi Young-hwan
Jung Jun-won
Kim Joong-han
Kim In-woo
Kim Ooh-jin
Bae Je-gi
Choi Gyoo-jong
Choi Jung-hun
Jung Tae-sung
Kim Soo-jin
Tasuku Yamanouchi

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