Drama Romance
A young American woman traveling in Italy with her mother is slender, blonde, beautiful and there is something charmingly naive about her. Fabrizio Naccarelli seems to always know where the mother and daughter will sightsee next. Signor Naccarelli is just as concerned about where this will lead as Mrs. Johnson is. Then she starts thinking that perhaps her daughter can be a wife of a wealthy young man in a society where all she has to do is look beautiful. What happens if Signor Naccarelli finds out who his prospective daughter-in-law really is?
Directed by
Guy Green
Barry Sullivan
Noel Johnson
Rossano Brazzi
Signor Naccarelli
George Hamilton
Fabrizio Naccarelli
Yvette Mimieux
Clara Johnson Naccarelli
Isabel Dean
Miss Hawtree
Olivia de Havilland
Meg Johnson
Robert Rietti
The Priest (uncredited)
Peppino De Martino
Train Conductor (uncredited)
Steve Plytas
Concierge (uncredited)
Nancy Nevinson
Signora Naccarelli
Moultrie Kelsall
The Minister
William E. Greene
The Consular Agent (uncredited)
Rosella Spinelli
Giuseppina Naccarelli (uncredited)

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