Drama Romance
Director Jean Renoir’s entrancing first color feature—shot entirely on location in India—is a visual tour de force. Based on the novel by Rumer Godden, the film eloquently contrasts the growing pains of three young women with the immutability of the Bengal river around which their daily lives unfold. Enriched by Renoir’s subtle understanding and appreciation for India and its people, The River gracefully explores the fragile connections between transitory emotions and everlasting creation.
Directed by
Jean Renoir
Adrienne Corri
Arthur Shields
Mr. John
Esmond Knight
The Father
Radha Burnier
Nora Swinburne
The Mother
Bhogwan Singh
Sajjan (uncredited)
June Tripp
Narrator (voice)
Suprova Mukerjee
Thomas E. Breen
Capt. John
Patricia Walters
Nimai Barik
Kanu (uncredited)
Richard R. Foster
Bogey (uncredited)
Jane Harris
Muffie (uncredited)
Jennifer Harris
Mouse (uncredited)
Trilak Jetley
Anil (uncredited)
Penelope Wilkinson
Elizabeth (uncredited)
Cecilia Wood
Victoria (uncredited)

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