Animation Comedy Drama
Haruka Nanase loves the water! Together with his friends Makoto, Nagisa and Rei, he founds the Iwatobi Swimming Club, where he can freely develop his own swimming style. Together with their old friend Rin and his team from the Samezuka Swimming Club, they compete in a wide variety of competitions. But what happens to the team after they graduate from school?
Directed by
Eisaku Kawanami
Kenichi Suzumura
Momotaro Mikoshiba (voice)
Koki Uchiyama
Ikuya Kirishima (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Haruka Nanase (voice)
Mamoru Miyano
Rin Matsuoka (voice)
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Sosuke Yamazaki (voice)
Daisuke Hirakawa
Rei Ryugazaki (voice)
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Asahi Shiina (voice)
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Makoto Tachibana (voice)
Tsubasa Yonaga
Nagisa Hazuki (voice)
Kouki Miyata
Aiichiro Nitori (voice)

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