Romance Fantasy Drama
At the end of the 15th century, a man and a woman, posing as traveling minstrels, are sent by the Devil to a castle to seduce its inhabitants.
Directed by
Marcel Carné
Simone Signoret
Extra (uncredited)
Fernand Ledoux
Baron Hugues, Anne's father
Dominique, a Minstrel
Alain Cuny
Gilles, a Minstrel
Georges Sellier
François Chaumette
Gillaume, un page (uncredited)
Guy Henry
Jules Berry
The Devil
Pierre Labry
A Lord
Roger Blin
The Monster Showman
Un nain (uncredited)
Marcel Herrand
Baron Renaud, Anne's fiancé
Gabriel Gabrio
The Executioner
Jean d'Yd
The Playboy
Marie Déa
Anne Hugues
Robert Le Béal
Janine Berry
Claudye Carter
Jean Darnel
Un page (uncredited)
Arsenio Freignac
Robert Hébert
Marie-Thérèse Moissel
Madeleine Rousset

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