Action Thriller
Rei, the deadly but reluctant assassin for the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police Department, befriends a young man after she sees him cruising a gay bar looking for johns. After he gets beaten up by a group of street thugs, she takes him in to live with her. When a series of vicious murders takes place, she begins to suspect that the killer may actually be her friend taking revenge on everyone who has abused him. Will she uphold her duty to the police, or protect her only friend?
Directed by
Daisuke Gotô
Written by
Yuka Honcho
Tetsu Watanabe
Daisuke Yamazaki
Bar Patron
Etsuyo Mitani
Voice on the phone
Maki Meguro
Mai Tachihara
Yujin Kitagawa
Ayana Inoue
Rieko Saitoh
Ryohei Kunieda
Reiko Kojima
Hitomi Ohtani
Eisaku Shindô
Seiji Kadowaki
Shinji Yamashita
Mutoh, 0 section manager
Eini Oshiro
Hajime Tsukumo

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