Action Thriller Romance Adventure
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
Directed by
Shane van Dyke
Written by
Shane van Dyke
Bruce Davison
James Maine
Dylan Vox
Dwayne Stevens
Brooke Burns
Dr. Kim Patterson
D. C. Douglas
Captain Will Howard
Matt Lagan
Commander Grey
Myles Cranford
Admiral Wes Hadley
Kendra Waldman
Madeline Kay
Marie Westbrook
Amy Maine
Michelle Glavan
Kelly Wade
Napoleon Ryan
Annie McCain Engman
Distressed Passenger
Harmony Blossom
Carey van Dyke
Elmer Coolidge
Wittly Jourdan
Elijia Stacks
Michael Gaglio
Chief Engineer Daniels
Josh Roman
Elliot Snipes

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