Drama Family
Clay Spencer and his wife, Olivia, live in a small town deep in the mountains. When Clay isn't busy drinking with his buddies or railing against the town minister, he's building the house he's always promised Olivia. He is overjoyed when he learns his eldest son will be the first Spencer to attend college, if he can resist the charms of a pretty local girl and rustle up the money for tuition.
Directed by
Delmer Daves
Written by
Delmer Daves
Henry Fonda
Clay Spencer
Veronica Cartwright
Becky Spencer (uncredited)
Dub Taylor
Percy Cook
Hayden Rorke
Colonel Coleman
Lillian Bronson
Grandma Spencer
Virginia Gregg
Miss Parker
Whit Bissell
Dr. Campbell
Maureen O'Hara
Olivia Spencer
Victor French
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
Wally Cox
Preacher Goodman
Ken Mayer
Mr. John
Mimsy Farmer
Claris Coleman
Rory Mallinson
Cop (uncredited)
Guy Wilkerson
Slim Temple (uncredited)
James MacArthur
Clayboy Spencer
Donald Crisp
Grandpa Spencer
Larry D. Mann
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
Bronwyn FitzSimons
Dean's Secretary (uncredited)
Robert "Buzz" Henry
Ambulance Driver (uncredited)
Kym Karath
Pattie-Cake Spencer (uncredited)
Michael Greene
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
James O'Hara
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
Rusty Lane
University Dean (uncredited)
Hope Summers
Mother Ida
Med Flory
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
Barbara McNair
Graduation Singer (uncredited)
Kathy Bennett
Minnie-Cora Cook
Mike Henry
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
Ray Savage
Spencer Brother (uncredited)
William Breen
Mountain Boy (uncredited)
Michele Daves
Donnie Spencer (uncredited)
Martin Eric
Odell Harper (uncredited)
Gary Young
Mat Spencer (uncredited)
Michael Young
Mark Spencer (uncredited)
Ricky Young
Luke Spencer (uncredited)
Rocky Young
John Spencer (uncredited)
Susan Young
Shirley Spencer (uncredited)
Monte Masters
Lucille House

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