Drama Western Romance War Action
In early 20th-century Montana, Col. William Ludlow lives on a ranch in the wilderness with his sons, Alfred, Tristan, and Samuel. Eventually, the unconventional but close-knit family are bound by loyalty, tested by war, and torn apart by love, as told over the course of several decades in this epic saga.
Directed by
Edward Zwick
Brad Pitt
Tristan Ludlow
Anthony Hopkins
Col. William Ludlow
Henry Thomas
Samuel Ludlow
Eric Johnson
Teen Tristan
Julia Ormond
Susannah Fincannon Ludlow
Aidan Quinn
Alfred Ludlow
Karina Lombard
Isabel Two Decker Ludlow
Tantoo Cardinal
Nigel Bennett
Kenneth Welsh
Sheriff Tynert
Robert Wisden
John T. O'Banion
Ken Kirzinger
O'Banion Thug
Christina Pickles
Isabel Ludlow
John Novak
James O'Banion
Bill Dow
Gordon Tootoosis
One Stab
Sam Sarkar
David Kaye
Samuel Decker
Sekwan Auger
Young Isabel Two
Mike Mitchell
Bart the Bear
Paul Desmond
Keegan MacIntosh
Boy Tristan
Randall Slavin
Teen Alfred
Doug Hughes
Teen Samuel
Christine Harder
Isabel Three
Charles Andre
Federal Officer
Weston McMillan

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