Animation Drama
The second chapter in the Refrain Blue series focuses on Nao Morisawa and the events that happened at the summer camp last year, with her and Yoshihiro Matsunaga both unable to let go of feelings of the past.
Directed by
Norio Kajima
Katsuyuki Konishi
Yoshihiro Matsunaga (voice)
Daisuke Kishio
Ryouji Itou (voice)
Shizuka Ishikawa
Chinatsu Iwasaki (voice)
Yumi Kikuchi
Nao Morisawa (voice)
Mie Sonozaki
Mysterious Girl (voice)
Mari Adachi
Tsugumi Tsugashima (voice)
Ruri Asano
Yuori Kawana (voice)
Ai Uchikawa
Shizuka Hayase (voice)

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