Sci-Fi Action Adventure TV Movie
In the World of Ganma, Chikara Saionji is revived, his spiritual remains entering an empty Ganma Eyecon shell. He soon spots Alain and the Fukami siblings, Makota and Kanon, nearby. Unaware of what has happened since his death, he brings out an old photo of the original Ghost Hunters team, remembering what he is there to do. This story is set after the epilogue of Kamen Rider Ghost RE:BIRTH: Kamen Rider Specter, which itself is set 2 years after the events of Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider.
Directed by
Kyouhei Yamaguchi
Written by
Keiichi Hasegawa
Hayato Isomura
Alain / Kamen Rider Necrom
Mio Kudo
Kanon Fukami
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Chikara Saionji
Shun Nishime
Takeru Tenkuji / Kamen Rider Ghost
Shigeo Kiyama
Da Vinci Ganma (voice)
Ryosuke Yamamoto
Makoto Fukami / Kamen Rider Specter
Takayuki Yanagi
Hikaru Osawa
Akari Tsukimura

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