Drama Comedy Adventure
A Hollywood filmmaker (Mike Jittlov) makes a short for an evil film studio. Unbeknownst to him, the producer has placed a bet of $25,000 that he won't come up with anything with a use. Luckily, our film creator gets the help of his friends.
Directed by
Mike Jittlov
Written by
Mike Jittlov
Angelique Pettyjohn
Dora Belair
Philip Michael Thomas
Policeman Mickey Polanko
Steve Brodie
Lucky Straeker
Laurie Rose
Bellydancer / Running Girl
Gary Schwartz
Canadian Thug
Will Ryan
All the Unions / Mr. President (voice) (as William Z. Ryan)
Arnetia Walker
Tina Dreem / Running Girl
Chuck McCollum
Meteor Man
Forrest J. Ackerman
Mustached Man at Garage Sale
Paige Moore
Cindy Lite / Dancer / Pretty Hitchhiker
Lynda Aldon
Policewoman Minnie Smith

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