Action Fantasy Animation Horror
Ten Years ago, Genichiro Izayoi died trying to stop the sorcerer Rebi Ra, and as a result Shinjuku became a playground for demons. And now, the day approaches when Rebi Ra will complete his decade-long ritual to plunge the rest of the world into chaos! As Genichiro's son, it falls to Kyoya to venture into the heart of Shinjuku and put an end to the sorcerer his father couldn't beat. Can Kyoya exceed his father's legacy, or will the demons of Shinjuku create Hell on Earth?
Directed by
Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Written by
Kaori Okamura
Yusaku Yara
Mephisto (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Sayaka Rama (voice)
Hideyuki Hori
Kyoya Izayoi (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Levi Ra (voice)
Ichiro Nagai
Master Rai (voice)
Osamu Saka
President Kozumi Rama (voice)
Banjo Ginga
Genichirou Izayoi (voice)
Naoki Tatsuta
Water Demon (voice)
Kyoko Tongu
Chibi (voice)
Hirohiko Kakegawa
Earth Demon (voice)
Asami Mukaidono
Female Demon (voice)

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