Animation Adventure TV Movie
Tintin and his friends travel to Khemed, a Middle East nation, to help its ruler, Emir Mohammed ben Kalish Ezab, who gets into trouble when Bab El Ehr, an arms smuggler and terrorist, rises and takes over.
Directed by
Stéphane Bernasconi
Written by
Christophe Poujol
Thierry Wermuth
Tintin (voice)
Yves Barsacq
Dupont (voice)
Susan Roman
Milou (voice)
Michel Ruhl
Nestor (voice)
Sophie Arthuys
Abdallah (voice)
Christian Pelissier
Le capitaine Haddock (voice)
Henri Labussière
Le professeur Tournesol (voice)
Jean-Pierre Moulin
Dupond (voice)
Marc Moro
Dawson / Allan Thompson (voice)

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