Animation Family Adventure Fantasy
In a time of superstition and magic, when wolves are seen as demonic and nature an evil to be tamed, a young apprentice hunter comes to Ireland with her father to wipe out the last pack. But when she saves a wild native girl, their friendship leads her to discover the world of the Wolfwalkers and transform her into the very thing her father is tasked to destroy.
Directed by
Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart
Sean Bean
Robyn's Father, Bill Goodfellowe (voice)
Maria Doyle Kennedy
Mebh's Mother, Moll MacTíre (voice)
Simon McBurney
Lord Protector (voice)
Honor Kneafsey
Robyn Goodfellowe (voice)
Tommy Tiernan
Sean Óg (voice)
Ben Andrews
Soldier (voice)
Jon Kenny
Stringy Woodcutter, Ned (voice)
John Morton
Stumpy Woodcutter (voice)
Eva Whittaker
Mebh Óg MacTíre (voice)
Aoibhin Murphy
Additional Voices (voice)
Gilbert Johnston
Soldier (voice)
Jerome Burelbach
Soldier (voice)
Ian Sanderson
Soldier (voice)
Oliver McGrath
Street Children Ringleader, Padraig (voice)
Niamh Moyles
Fishmonger (voice)
Vince Drews
Soldier (voice)
Seamus Greene
Soldier / Additional Voices (voice)
Luke Mandie
Soldier (voice)
Jack Caldwell
Street Child (voice)
Eoin Cleary
Street Child (voice)
Marguerita Hanlon
Street Child (voice)
Jacob Holden
Street Child (voice)
Clare Keating
Street Child (voice)
Orla Keating
Street Child (voice)
Caolán Lulias
Street Child (voice)
Patrick McGrath
Street Child (voice)
Daisy Moran
Street Child (voice)
Dylan Muldowney
Street Child (voice)
Mark O'Connell
Street Child (voice)
Róisín O'Shea
Street Child (voice)
Philip Brennan
Additional Voices (voice)
Jim Carroll
Additional Voices (voice)
Brendan Corcoran
Additional Voices (voice)
Sarah Doyle
Additional Voices (voice)
Amy Dunne
Additional Voices (voice)
Jennifer Hughes
Additional Voices (voice)
Michael McGrath
Additional Voices (voice)
Ken McGuire
Additional Voices (voice)
Desirée Meade
Additional Voices (voice)
Graham Mills
Additional Voices (voice)
Mags Murphy
Additional Voices (voice)
Aaron O'Dea
Additional Voices (voice)
Cara O'Doherty
Additional Voices (voice)
Jacqueline Purcell
Additional Voices (voice)
Muireann Ryan
Additional Voices (voice)
David Thompson
Additional Voices (voice)
Eleanor Walsh
Additional Voices (voice)
Léo Vincent

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