Crime Mystery
In a series of flashbacks, shows that attorney John Morland has given a lift to a hitchhiker who turns out to be a murderer. As a result, Morland himself is implicated in a killing. A pair of detectives discover that Morland has been having business problems and no end of difficulties with his wife Catherine. The trail of clues leads to a surprising revelation.
Directed by
Eugene Forde
John Eldredge
John Morland
Richard Benedict
Detective Sergeant Tom Carey
Douglas Fowley
Red Bailey
Leonard Strong
Willis, Caretaker
Stanley Blystone
Fire Warden at Car Wreck
Frank Dae
Dr. Pearson
Billy Gray
Steve Darrell
Detective Sergeant Gorman
Jean Rogers
Catherine Morland
Robert Shayne
James O'Neil
Dorothy Granger
O'Neill's Secretary
Gary Gray
Louise Currie
Marian Gordon
Sara Berner
Dorothy, Maid
Larry J. Blake
Detective Lieutenant Jerry McMullen
Ralf Harolde
X-Ray Technician
Richard Travis
Richard Conroy
Syd Saylor
Joe, Railroad Worker
Charles Sullivan
Charlie, Policeman
Angela Clarke
Mrs. O'Neill
Michael Chapin
Wynne Larke
Patricia McMullen
Susan Klimist
McMullen Girl, Outfielder
Wong Artarne
Chinese Waiter
Eddie Coke
Jon Gilbreath
Trooper at Roadblock
Art Gilmore
Radio Commentator (Voice)
Sherry Hall
Coroner's Deputy
John Canady
X-Ray Technician
Jerry Mickelsen
Jerry McMullen Jr.

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