Drama War Romance
Life on a British bomber base, and the surrounding towns, from the opening days of the Battle of Britain, to the arrival of the Americans, who join in the bomber offensive. The film centres around Pilot Officer Peter Penrose, fresh out of a training unit, who joins the squadron, and quickly discovers about life during war time. He falls for Iris, a young girl who lives at the local hotel, but he becomes disillusioned about marriage, when the squadron commander dies in a raid, and leaves his wife, the hotel manageress, with a young son to bring up. As the war progresses, Penross comes to terms that he has survived, while others have been killed.
Directed by
Anthony Asquith
Written by
Richard Sherman
Jean Simmons
A Singer
David Tomlinson
'Prune' Parsons
John Mills
Pilot Officer Peter Penrose
Douglass Montgomery
Johnny Hollis
Trevor Howard
Squadron Leader Carter
Renée Asherson
Iris Winterton
Murray Matheson
Joe Lawson
Basil Radford
'Tiny' Williams
Michael Redgrave
Flight Lt. David Archdale
Bill Owen
Sgt. 'Nobby' Clarke
Anthony Dawson
Bertie Steen
Felix Aylmer
Rev. Charles Moss
Stanley Holloway
Mr. Palmer
Vida Hope
Jacqueline Clarke
Rosamund John
Miss Todd
Joyce Carey
Miss Winterton
John McLaren
'Cheerio' Chester
Charles Victor
Corporal Fitter
Alf Goddard
PT Instructor
Charles Farrell
American Orderly
Johnnie Schofield
Hartley Power
Colonel Page
Bonar Colleano
Joe Friselli
Nicholas Stuart
Colonel Rogers (as Tryon Nichol)
Grant Miller
Wally Becker
Hugh Dempster
'Tinker' Bell
Bill Logan
Radio Operator
John Howard
Shelter Officer
Caven Watson
RAF Corporal
Sydney Benson
Peter Cotes
Ann Wilton

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