Crime Drama Comedy
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of involvement in a payroll robbery and then helps break up a bank robbery.
Directed by
John Ford
Laurence Naismith
Arthur Sayer
Jack Hawkins
Insp. George Gideon
John Loder
Ponsford 'The Duke'
James Hayter
Robert Mason
Anna Massey
Sally Gideon
Dianne Foster
Joanna Delafield
Ronald Howard
Paul Delafield
Michael Shepley
Sir Rupert Bellamy
Derek Bond
Det. Sgt. Eric Kirby
Donal Donnelly
Marjorie Rhodes
Mrs. Saparelli
Cyril Cusack
Herbert 'Birdie' Sparrow
Jack Watling
Rev. Julian Small
Frank Lawton
Det. Sgt. Liggot
Miles Malleson
The Judge
Howard Marion-Crawford
The Chief
John Le Mesurier
Andrew Ray
PC Simon Farnaby-Green
Anna Lee
Mrs. Kate Gideon
Michael Trubshawe
Sergeant Golightly
Joan Ingram
Lady Bellamy
Barry Keegan
Grizelda Hervey
Mrs. Kirby
Henry B. Longhurst
Rev. Mr. Courtney
Maureen Potter
Mrs. Ethel Sparrow
Dervis Ward
David Aylmer
Brian Smith

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