Mystery Adventure Family
In "The Three Investigators and The Secret of Skeleton Island" the cult detective trio from Rocky Beach, California, fall into a breath-taking mixture of adventure, thriller and mystery. Only by a hairs-breadth did they escape with their lives after the successful completion of their last case.
Directed by
Jan Sebastian Ballhaus, Florian Baxmeyer
Cameron Monaghan
Bob Andrews
Jannik Schümann
Justus Jonas (voice)
Nigel Whitmey
Al Crenshaw
James Faulkner
Bill/Victor Hugenay
Langley Kirkwood
Tom Farraday
Oliver Rohrbeck
Man in Hotel
Nick Price
Pete Crenshaw
Andreas Fröhlich
Man at Junkyard
Chancellor Miller
Jupiter Jones
Naima Sebe
Fiona Ramsey
Miss Wilbur
Yoshij Grimm
Peter Shaw (voice)
Daniel Claus
Bob Andrews (voice)
Robert Arthur, Jr.

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