Romance Comedy TV Movie
When ambitious reporter Allie Rusch is recruited by vindictive music manager Vivian Cartwright to play cupid to famous pop musicians Caleb Greene and Carson Peet in return for an exclusive story over Valentine's weekend, Allie soon realizes Caleb has his sights set on her. Now, torn between her big career move and her growing feelings for Caleb, Allie is left to question whether she can coerce Caleb into something his heart does not desire, or if she should fall in love and make him her very own Valentine.
Directed by
Jake Helgren
Written by
Jake Helgren
Lindsay Hartley
Vivian Cartwright
Haley Webb
Allie Rusch
Courtney Gains
Freddy Craig
James Maslow
Caleb Greene
Jamaal Lewis
Party Guest (uncredited)
Jon Briddell
Tommy Savas
Matty Sellers
Brittany Underwood
Carson Peet
Ione Butler
Daniel Lench
Autumn Federici
Entertainment Reporter
Jessica Lee Keller
Cathy Baron
Anderson Davis
Jon K. Farless
1st AD
Kim Chueh
Lily Abrams
Veronica Savini (Photos)
Joshua Blaine
Music Video Dancer
Brandon Delmer Doyle
Concert Goer
Nea Dune
Party Guest
Jarryl Fordham
Kenny the Bodyguard
Kelsey Impicciche
Tamra Jacobs (photos)
Josh Lewis
Studio Recording Engineer
Jared North
Music Video Dancer
Melvin Payne Jr.
Party Guest
Kaleb Rudy
Deejay Jamey Ray
Jake Winter
Valentine Parkgoer
Randy James Wuske
Concert Attendee

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