Action Drama
Petar Lubarda, a young medical student, leads a secret life as one of the best drivers of "Serbian Roulette" - illegal street-races taking place during nighttime in downtown Belgrade. His older brother Mihajlo, once a top driver of "Roulette" himself, now a renowned anesthesiologist, gets involved in a maze of blackmail, conspiracy and revenge, when a former childhood friend Boban, a corrupt police inspector, threatens to incarcerate Petar for the deadly crash he supposedly done. In disturbing search for his brother, Mihajlo is drawn into a tangled web of corrupt Belgrade police, immense dark labyrinth of Secret service and brutal world of "Serbian Roulette". The search turns into his personal pursuit of meaning of life, and literally, into the race of life and death.
Directed by
Predrag Stojić
Written by
Marko Krstić
Nikola Đuričko
Mihajlo Lubarda
Ljubomir Bandović
Goran Sultanović
Tanasije Uzunović
Čika Joca
Marko Baćović
Damijan Oklopdžić
Lik sa lopte
Vuk Jovanović
Milan Lubarda
Mila Manojlović
Slobodan Pavelkić
Milan Čučilović
Dejan Dedić
Dijana Jovičić
Dr. Aleksandra
Igor Filipović
Živko Grubor
Radivoj Knežević
Lik koji igra

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