Action Comedy Drama
While touring abroad in Europe, beautiful American skydiver Fathom Harvill gets wrapped up in international intrigue when Scottish spy Douglas Campbell recruits her to help him on a secret mission. Before long, Fathom realizes that no one around her, including the mysterious Peter Merriweather, can easily be trusted, leading to various adventures that involve bull fighting, beaches and, of course, romance.
Directed by
Leslie H. Martinson
Raquel Welch
Fathom Harvill
Richard Briers
Flight Lt. Timothy Webb
Clive Revill
Anthony Franciosa
Peter Merriwether
Tutte Lemkow
Tom Adams
Ronald Fraser
Col. Douglas Campbell, Chief of HADES
Reg Lye
Mr. Trivers
Elizabeth Ercy
Greta Chi
Maj. Jo-May Soon (KGB)
Ann Lancaster
Mrs. Trivers

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