Sci-Fi Drama Adventure
Omega, an ancient Time Lord made of pure anti-matter, once defeated by the Doctor, is plotting to cross over into this dimension by bonding with the Doctor. Meanwhile, the disappearance of a man in Amsterdam piques the curiosity of his cousin, Tegan, who previously left the Doctor at Heathrow Airport and now finds herself at Omega's mercy. Fearing total destruction from the collision of matter and antimatter, the Time Lords recall the Doctor to Gallifrey to undertake the only viable solution: executing him!
Directed by
Ron Jones
Written by
Johnny Byrne
Michael Gough
Councillor Hedin
Peter Davison
The Doctor
Sarah Sutton
Colin Baker
Commander Maxil
John D. Collins
Janet Fielding
Tegan Jovanka
Leonard Sachs
President Borusa
Elspet Gray
Chancellor Thalia
Paul Jerricho
The Castellan
Max Harvey
Cardinal Zorac
Ian Collier
Omega/The Renegade
Neil Daglish
Alastair Cumming
Colin Frazer
Andrew Boxer
Robin Stuart
Maya Woolfe
Hostel Receptionist
Guy Groen
Hostel Receptionist
Malcolm Harvey
The Ergon

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