Lynn lives with her grandparents in Meicheng, a small Hunanese city unsettled by an ongoing rape-murder investigation. With little structure to regulate her life outside of school, where she is bullied, Lynn begins smuggling and reselling confiscated mobile phones with her friend, which leads to encounters with the city’s seedier inhabitants.
Directed by
Ryuji Otsuka, Huang Ji
Written by
Ryuji Otsuka, Huang Ji
Yao Honggui
Lynn Lin
Liqiao Xiao
Fang Yao
Huang Zifan
Lynn's Grandfather
Yan Shixiang
Lynn's Grandmother
Liu Xiaoling
Lynn's Mother
Wei Xincai
Lynn's Teacher
Huang Weiliang
Hair Salon Boss
Wang Manling
Liu Yang
Peng Na
Peng Na
Li Tenghui
E Mart Boss
Liu Wenmao
Dawei's Father
Mo Jiajian
Teacher Mo

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