Comedy Music Romance
After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay and Barbara Latimer, waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan, the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil and Jeff, who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.
Directed by
Walter Lang
Betty Grable
Kathryn 'Kay' Latimer, also called Miss Adams
Don Ameche
Phil O'Neil (Credits) / Phil 'Mac' McNeil
Jack Haley
Jack O'Hara
Robert Cummings
Jeffrey 'Jeff' Boulton II
Carole Landis
Barbara Latimer, aka Miss Sears
Minor Watson
Mr. Jim Reynolds
Charlotte Greenwood
Aunt Susan 'Sue' Latimer
Gino Corrado
Boulton's Chef (uncredited)
Lynne Roberts
Jennie May
Robert Greig
Brearley, Boulton's Butler
Spencer Charters
Joe, the Postman
Fortunio Bonanova
Mr. Pretto, the Hotel Manager
Cobina Wright
Connie Fentress
George Lessey
William 'Willie' Boulton
George Humbert
Texas Tommy Cafe Proprietor
Robert Conway
Mr. Lester

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