Comedy War
Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" – a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives – if only they can get there in one piece.
Directed by
Richard Murphy
Jack Lemmon
Rip Crandall
Richard Anderson
Dennis Foster
Mike Kellin
Jack MacCarthy
John Anderson
Sailor (uncredited)
Ron Veto
Native (uncredited)
Ricky Nelson
Tommy Hanson
Alvy Moore
Chips Rafferty
Roy Jenson
Shark Bait - USS Echo Crewman (uncredited)
John Lund
Wilbur Vandewater
Warren Berlinger
A.J. Sparks
Dale Ishimoto
Japanese Pilot (uncredited)
Teru Shimada
Tom Tully
Captain McClung
Sid Tomack
Arthur, Bartender at Kangaroo Club (uncredited)
Patricia Driscoll
Lysa D'Anjou
French guide (uncredited)
Joby Baker
Josh Davidson
George Shibata
Captain Shigetsu
Phil Adams
Crewman (uncredited)
Tom Anthony
Crewman (uncredited)
Nesdon Booth
Chief Petty Officer (uncredited)
Naaman Brown
Cpl. Goroka (uncredited)
Japanese Sergeant (uncredited)
Clive Halliday
Australian Major General (uncredited)
Gavin W. Harper
Seaman (uncredited)
Hudson Shotwell
Adm. Hathaway (uncredited)
Richard Torrence
Horse (uncredited)
Russ Whiteman
American Colonel (uncredited)

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