Romance TV Movie
A young woman who dreams of opening her own restaurant lands a job at a prominent restaurant whose head chef becomes her unlikely ally when the restaurant's unscrupulous owner, a Master Chef herself, plots to return the place to its former glory by presenting her new assistant's recipes as her own.
Directed by
Christie Will
Frances Flanagan
Trish Dellucci
Peri Gilpin
Holly Hanson
Jen Lilley
Nikki Turner
Benjamin Wilkinson
Henry Seager
Brendan Penny
Paul Dellucci
Kandyse McClure
Antonio Cayonne
Guy Christie
The Food Critic
Kelly-Ruth Mercier
John Innes
Eric Pollins
Marty Dellucci
Frank Zotter
Manager #1
Lisa Kimberley
Holly's Assistant
Jim Eliason
Restaurant Customer (uncredited)
Natalye Vivian
Todd Daulby

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