Drama Action Adventure Sci-Fi TV Movie
The TARDIS lands in a space museum on Earth in the late 21st century, where the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn that contact has been lost between Earth and the Moon. In this era, instant travel — T-Mat — has revolutionised the Earth. Its people have lost interest in space travel. The Doctor and his companions travel to the Moon in an old-style rocket and reach the Moonbase, control centre for T-Mat, only to find a squad of Ice Warriors have commandeered the base and plan to use the T-Mat network to their advantage.
Directed by
Michael Ferguson
Written by
Brian Hayles
Wendy Padbury
Zoe Heriot
Patrick Troughton
The Doctor
Frazer Hines
Jamie McCrimmon
Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Commander Radnor
Harry Towb
Philip Ray
Professor Eldred
Terry Scully
Louise Pajo
Gia Kelly
Hugh Morton
Sir James Gregson
Ric Felgate
Christopher Coll
Martin Cort
Derrick Slater
Security Guard
John Witty
Computer Voice
Alan Bennion
Graham Leaman
Grand Marshal
Steve Peters
Ice Warrior
Tony Harwood
Ice Warrior
Sonny Caldinez
Ice Warrior

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