Sci-Fi Drama Adventure
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha, where the Seventh Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law enforced zealously by the brightly uniformed Happiness Patrol. The planet is ruled by Helen A with the aid of her companion, Joseph C, and her carnivorous pet Stigorax, Fifi.
Directed by
Chris Clough
Written by
Graeme Curry
Sylvester McCoy
The Doctor
Lesley Dunlop
Susan Q
Sheila Hancock
Helen A
Harold Innocent
Gilbert M
Georgina Hale
Daisy K
Tim Barker
Harold V
Rachel Bell
Priscilla P
Mary Healey
Ronald Fraser
Joseph C
John Normington
Trevor Sigma
Sophie Aldred
Jonathan Burn
Silas P
Mark Carroll
Sniper 2
David John Pope
The Kandyman
Richard D. Sharp
Earl Sigma
Tim Scott
Forum Doorman
Steve Swinscoe
Sniper 1

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