Adventure Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
Travis and his sister, Whitney, visit their grandparents for the summer and fall through a magical portal which transports him to the world of American hero Paul Bunyan and his big, blue, talking ox, Babe.
Directed by
Louis Ross
John Goodman
Paul Bunyan (voice)
Mark Hamill
Grandpa (voice)
Kelsey Grammer
The Amazing Blackstone / Norm Blandsford (voice)
Dawnn Lewis
Maybelle (voice)
Jeff Foxworthy
Babe the Blue Ox (voice)
Johnny Orlando
Travis (voice)
Dorien Davies
Iris (voice)
Lola Wayne Villa
Whitney (voice)
Jeremy Guskin
Gustav (voice)
John D. Eraklis
Newscaster / Tourist Dad (voice)
Peter Chew
Sherriff (voice)
Sandy Stone
Barber (voice)
Tom Lowell
County Fair MC (voice)

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