Comedy Romance
Show business twin sisters Rosemary and Susie, one serious and the other a scatterbrain, join the WAVES and both fall in love with crooner Johnny Cabot.
Directed by
Mark Sandrich
Mae Clarke
Ens. Kirk (uncredited)
Bing Crosby
Johnny Cabot
Bess Flowers
Patron at Cabana Club (uncredited)
Yvonne De Carlo
Wave (uncredited)
Minor Watson
Superior Officer (uncredited)
Betty Hutton
Susan / Rosemary Allison
Noel Neill
Ann Doran
William Forrest
Lieutenant Commander (uncredited)
Catherine Craig
Lt. Townsend
Johnny Mercer
Harry Barris
Bandleader (uncredited)
Sonny Tufts
Windy 'Pinetop' Windhurst
Anabel Shaw
Cyril Ring
Lieutenant Colonel (uncredited)
Oscar O'Shea
Commodore (uncredited)
Gwen Crawford

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