Drama Action Western
Scout William F. Cody (Joel McCrea) marries a U.S. senator's daughter (Maureen O'Hara), fights the Cheyenne and leads a Wild West show.
Directed by
William A. Wellman
Linda Darnell
Dawn Starlight
Anthony Quinn
Chief Yellow Hand
Edgar Buchanan
Sgt. Chips McGraw
Joel McCrea
William Frederick 'Buffalo Bill' Cody
Maureen O'Hara
Louisa Frederici
Thomas Mitchell
Ned Buntline
Matt Briggs
General Blazier
George Lessey
Mr. Schyler Vandervere
Frank Fenton
Murdo Carvell
Moroni Olsen
Sen. Frederici
Sidney Blackmer
Theodore Roosevelt (uncredited)
Evelyn Beresford
Queen Victoria (uncredited)

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