Drama Adventure
Fisherman Quino and his wife Juana are very poor and desperate because the town's foreign doctor refuses to treat their son Coyotito, who has been bitten by a scorpion. When Quino unexpectedly finds a magnificent pearl in the sea, Juana senses that the discovery will only bring them misfortune and tries to convince her husband to return it to the sea.
Directed by
Emilio Fernández
Pedro Armendáriz
Columba Domínguez
Irma Torres
Alfonso Bedoya
Fernando Wagner
Juan García
Emilio Fernández
Beatriz Ramos
María Elena Marqués
Gilberto González
Charles Rooner
Raúl Lechuga
Max Langler
Luz Alba
Guillermo Calles
Andrés Huesca
Margarito Luna
Pepita Morillo
Enriqueta Reza
Victoria Sastre

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