Adventure Drama History
The true story of the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to try to be the first man to discover the South Pole - only to find that the murderously cold weather and a rival team of Norwegian explorers conspire against him
Directed by
Charles Frend
Christopher Lee
Bernard Day
John Mills
Captain R.F. Scott R.N.
Kenneth More
Lt. E.G.R. (Teddy) Evans R.N.
James Robertson Justice
P.O. (Taff) Evans R.N.
Clive Morton
Herbert Ponting F.R.P.S.
Noel Howlett
First Questioner
Dandy Nichols
Derek Bond
Captain L.E.G. Oates
John Gregson
P.O. T. Crean R.N.
James McKechnie
Surgeon Lt. E.L. Atkinson R.N.
Philip Stainton
Second Questioner
Bruce Seton
Lt. H. Pennell R.N.
Harold Warrender
Dr. E. A. Wilson
Sam Kydd
Leading Stoker E. McKenzie R.N.
Reginald Beckwith
Lt. H. R. Bowers RIM
Desmond Roberts
Admiralty Official
Diana Churchill
Kathleen Scott
Norman Williams
Chief Stoker W. Lashly R.N.
Anne Firth
Oriana Wilson
Larry Burns
P.O. P. Keohane R.N.
Edward Lisak
Melville Crawford
Cecil Meares
John Owers
F. J. Hooper
Mary Merrett
Helen Field
Percy Walsh
Chairman of Meeting
David Lines
Telegraph Boy
Rowland Douglas

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